Endless Beauty Collective

Because Beauty Has No Expiration Date

EBC Approval Seal

Welcome to the Pro Age Beauty Brand Guide

DO recognize that a woman’s beauty is indeed endless; promising us magic potions that will keep us young is downright wrong; and the rightful, respectful and fabulous role the beauty industry can play is to provide us with great products that help keep us healthy and looking and feeling beautiful at every age.

DON’T use any anti-aging, age-shaming or youth-centered language in their marketing and product names and descriptions and, in many cases, have also taken their efforts against ageism several steps further by being publicly outspoken about the problem and have made being pro age part of their corporate culture and overall ethos.

Brands Against AgeismEBC Beauty Brands Against Ageism Seal

COMING SOON you will also find a special seal on the website and packaging of the growing number of brands in this Guide that have taken the EBC Brands-Against-Ageism Pledge. The EBC created the Brands-Against-Ageism Pledge as a way for brands to further showcase their pro age commitment and distinguish themselves as such from other brands at a time when more and more women are factoring ageism into their brand choices. Adding a visible seal with the Pledge’s name to the brand’s website and packaging gives consumers an easy way to identify them as a pro age brand.

get in touch if you know of other pro age brands that we should add to the Guide. The Guide is continually updated on a regular basis.

ONE MORE THING: The brands in this Guide are all independently owned and founded by women. Also, many exclusively target and develop their products to serve the particular needs and interests of women 45 and over.

EBC Approval Icon Key

Click on each icon to see list of approved brands

EBC Makeup Approved
EBC Approved for MAKEUP
EBC Skincare Approved
EBC Approved for SKINCARE
EBC Haircare Approved
EBC Approved for HAIRCARE
EBC Nailcare Approved
EBC Approved for NAILCARE
EBC Approved for Menopause
EBC Approved for MENO-PAUSE
EBC Makeup Approved
EBC Approved for MAKEUP
EBC Skincare Approved
EBC Approved for SKINCARE
EBC Haircare Approved
EBC Approved for HAIRCARE
EBC Nailcare Approved
EBC Approved for NAILCARE
EBC Approved for Menopause
EBC Approved for MENO-PAUSE

By Category

Click on each brand name for more info on the brand

EBC Approved for Makeup

EBC Makeup Approved19/99 LogoFounder: Stephanie Spence, Camille Katona

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.1999beauty.com

EBC Makeup ApprovedAriane Poole LogoFounder: Ariane Poole

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.arianepoole.com

EBC Makeup ApprovedBoom by Cindy Joseph LogoFounder: Cindy Joseph/Ezra Firestone

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.boombycindyjoseph.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedEnhance Pro Age LogoFounder: Unspecified

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.enhanceproage.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedExa Beauty LogoFounder: Annie Jackson

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.exabeauty.com

EBC Makeup ApprovedJentry Kelley LogoFounder: Jentry Kelley

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.jentrykelley.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedKjaer Weis LogoFounder: Kirsten Kjaer Weis

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.kjaerweis.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedIris & RomeoFounder: Michelle Gough Baril

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.irisandromeo.com

Founder: Kim RoxieEBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedLamik Beauty Logo

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.lamikbeauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedLook Fabuous Forever LogoFounder: Tricia Cusden

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.lookfabulousforever.com

EBC Makeup ApprovedStudio 10 LogoFounder: Grace Fodor

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.studio10beauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedTrish McEvoy LogoFounder: Trish McEvoy

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.trishmcevoy.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedVeribella LogoFounder: Trina Fiala

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.veribellainc.com

EBC Approved for Skincare

EBC Skincare ApprovedAmperna LogoFounder: Kiri Yanchenko

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.amperna.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedBend Beauty LogoEBC Haircare ApprovedEBC Nailcare ApprovedFounder: Marc St. Onge

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.bendbeauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedCommunity Sixty-Six LogoFounder: Dia Foley

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.communitysixtysix.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedDesavery Skincare LogoFounder: Andrea Dinnick

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.desavery.co

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedEnhance Pro Age LogoFounder: Unspecified

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.enhanceproage.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedExa Beauty LogoFounder: Annie Jackson

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.exabeauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopauseFinlay + Green LogoFounder: Helen Marray-Finlay

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.finlayandgreen.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedFounder: Sara Lee/Christine Chang

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.glowrecipe.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopauseI am Stripes LogoFounder: Naomi Watts

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.iamstripes.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedIris & RomeoFounder: Michelle Gough Baril

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.irisandromeo.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedKari Gran LogoFounder: Kari Gran and Lisa Strain

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.karigran.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedKjaer Weis LogoFounder: Kirsten Kjaer Weis

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.kjaerweis.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedLa Maria LogoFounder: Dr. Manuela Maria Vazquez

Demographic: 30+

Website: www.lamariamd.com

Founder: Kim RoxieEBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedLamik Beauty Logo

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.lamikbeauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedLather LogoFounder: Emilie Davidson Hoyt

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.lather.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedLook Fabuous Forever LogoFounder: Tricia Cusden

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.lookfabulousforever.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Haircare ApprovedMaison 276 LogoFounder: Angel Cornelius

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.maison276.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedOlive + M LogoFounder: Mariska Nicholson

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.oliveandm.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedOsmia Skincare LogoFounder: Sarah Villafranco, MD

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.osmiaskincare.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopauseOur Kindra LogoFounder: Catherine Balsam-Schwaber

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.ourkindra.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopausePause Well Aging LogoFounder: Rochelle Weitzner

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.pausewellaging.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedStella McCartney Beauty LogoFounder: Stella McCartney

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.stellamccartneybeauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedTelluride Glow LogoFounder: Alina Prax, Partner

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.tellurideglow.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedTestament Beauty LogoFounder: Sophia Chabbott

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.testamentbeauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedTrish McEvoy LogoFounder: Trish McEvoy

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.trishmcevoy.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedVeribella LogoFounder: Trina Fiala

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.veribellainc.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedViolets Are Blue LogoFounder: Cynthia Besteman

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.violetsareblueskincare.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedWillowberry LogoFounder: Jenni Retourne

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.willowberry.co.uk

EBC Approved for Haircare

EBC Skincare ApprovedBend Beauty LogoEBC Haircare ApprovedEBC Nailcare ApprovedFounder: Marc St. Onge

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.bendbeauty.com

Better Not Younger LogoEBC Haircare ApprovedEBC Nailcare ApprovedFounder: Sonsoles Gonzalez 

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.better-notyounger.com

EBC Haircare ApprovedThe Doux LogoFounder: Maya Smith

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.thedoux.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Haircare ApprovedMaison 276 LogoFounder: Angel Cornelius

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.maison276.com

EBC Approved for Nailcare

EBC Skincare ApprovedBend Beauty LogoEBC Haircare ApprovedEBC Nailcare ApprovedFounder: Marc St. Onge

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.bendbeauty.com

Better Not Younger LogoEBC Haircare ApprovedEBC Nailcare ApprovedFounder: Sonsoles Gonzalez 

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.better-notyounger.com

EBC Approved for Menopause

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopauseFinlay + Green LogoFounder: Helen Marray-Finlay Demographic: All Ages Website: www.finlayandgreen.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopauseI am Stripes LogoFounder: Naomi Watts

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.iamstripes.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopauseOur Kindra LogoFounder: Catherine Balsam-Schwaber

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.ourkindra.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopausePause Well Aging LogoFounder: Rochelle Weitzner

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.pausewellaging.com

EBC Approved for MenopauseWomaness LogoFounder: Michelle Jacobs/Sally Mueller

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.womaness.com

EBC Approved for Makeup

19/99 Logo

Founder: Stephanie Spence, Camille Katona

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.1999beauty.com

EBC Makeup Approved

Ariane Poole Logo

Founder: Ariane Poole

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.arianepoole.com

EBC Makeup Approved

Boom by Cindy Joseph Logo

Founder: Cindy Joseph/Ezra Firestone

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.boombycindyjoseph.com

EBC Makeup Approved

Enhance Pro Age Logo

Founder: Unspecified

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.enhanceproage.com

EBC Makeup ApprovedEBC Skincare Approved

Exa Beauty Logo

Founder: Annie Jackson

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.exabeauty.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Jentry Kelley Logo

Founder: Jentry Kelley

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.jentrykelley.com

EBC Makeup Approved

Kjaer Weis Logo

Founder: Kirsten Kjaer Weis

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.kjaerweis.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Iris & Romeo

Founder: Michelle Gough Baril

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.irisandromeo.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Lamik Beauty Logo

Founder: Kim Roxie

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.lamikbeauty.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Look Fabuous Forever Logo

Founder: Tricia Cusden

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.lookfabulousforever.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Studio 10 Logo

Founder: Grace Fodor

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.studio10beauty.com

EBC Makeup Approved

Trish McEvoy Logo

Founder: Trish McEvoy

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.trishmcevoy.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Veribella Logo

Founder: Trina Fiala

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.veribellainc.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Approved for Skincare

Amperna Logo

Founder: Kiri Yanchenko

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.amperna.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Bend Beauty Logo

Founder: Marc St. Onge

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.bendbeauty.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Haircare Approved

EBC Nailcare Approved

Community Sixty-Six Logo

Founder: Dia Foley

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.communitysixtysix.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Desavery Skincare Logo

Founder: Andrea Dinnick

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.desavery.co

EBC Skincare Approved

Enhance Pro Age Logo

Founder: Unspecified

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.enhanceproage.com

EBC Makeup ApprovedEBC Skincare Approved

Exa Beauty Logo

Founder: Annie Jackson

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.exabeauty.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Finlay + Green Logo

Founder: Helen Marray-Finlay

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.finlayandgreen.com

EBC Approved for Menopause

EBC Skincare Approved

Founder: Sara Lee/Christine Chang

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.glowrecipe.com

EBC Skincare Approved

I am Stripes Logo

Founder: Naomi Watts

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.iamstripes.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Approved for Menopause

Iris & Romeo

Founder: Michelle Gough Baril

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.irisandromeo.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Kari Gran Logo

Founder: Kari Gran and Lisa Strain

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.karigran.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Kjaer Weis Logo

Founder: Kirsten Kjaer Weis

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.kjaerweis.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Makeup Approved

La Maria Logo

Founder: Dr. Manuela Maria Vazquez

Demographic: 30+

Website: www.lamariamd.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Lamik Beauty Logo

Founder: Kim Roxie

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.lamikbeauty.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Lather Logo

Founder: Emilie Davidson Hoyt

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.lather.com

Lather Logo

Look Fabuous Forever Logo

Founder: Tricia Cusden

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.lookfabulousforever.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Maison 276 Logo

Founder: Angel Cornelius

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.maison276.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Haircare Approved

Olive + M Logo

Founder: Mariska Nicholson

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.oliveandm.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Osmia Skincare Logo

Founder: Sarah Villafranco, MD

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.osmiaskincare.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Our Kindra Logo

Founder: Catherine Balsam-Schwaber

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.ourkindra.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Approved for Menopause

Pause Well Aging Logo

Founder: Rochelle Weitzner

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.pausewellaging.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Approved for Menopause

Stella McCartney Beauty Logo

Founder: Stella McCartney

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.stellamccartneybeauty.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Telluride Glow Logo

Founder: Alina Prax, Partner

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.tellurideglow.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Testament Beauty Logo

Founder: Sophia Chabbott

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.testamentbeauty.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Trish McEvoy Logo

Founder: Trish McEvoy

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.trishmcevoy.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Veribella Logo

Founder: Trina Fiala

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.veribellainc.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Violets Are Blue Logo

Founder: Cynthia Besteman

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.violetsareblueskincare.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Willowberry Logo

Founder: Jenni Retourne

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.willowberry.co.uk

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Approved for Haircare

Bend Beauty Logo

Founder: Marc St. Onge

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.bendbeauty.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Haircare Approved

EBC Nailcare Approved

Better Not Younger Logo

Founder: Sonsoles Gonzalez 

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.better-notyounger.com

EBC Haircare Approved

EBC Nailcare Approved

The Doux Logo

Founder: Maya Smith

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.thedoux.com

EBC Haircare Approved

Maison 276 Logo

Founder: Angel Cornelius

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.maison276.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Haircare Approved

EBC Approved for Nailcare

Bend Beauty Logo

Founder: Marc St. Onge

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.bendbeauty.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Haircare Approved

EBC Nailcare Approved

Better Not Younger Logo

Founder: Sonsoles Gonzalez 

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.better-notyounger.com

EBC Haircare Approved

EBC Nailcare Approved

EBC Approved for Menopause

Finlay + Green Logo

Founder: Helen Marray-Finlay

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.finlayandgreen.com

EBC Approved for Menopause

EBC Skincare Approved

I am Stripes Logo

Founder: Naomi Watts

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.iamstripes.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Approved for Menopause

Our Kindra Logo

Founder: Catherine Balsam-Schwaber

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.ourkindra.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Approved for Menopause

Pause Well Aging Logo

Founder: Rochelle Weitzner

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.pausewellaging.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Approved for Menopause

Womaness Logo

Founder: Michelle Jacobs/Sally Mueller

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.womaness.com

EBC Approved for Menopause

By Demographic

Click on each brand name for more info on the brand

50 & Over

EBC Makeup ApprovedBoom by Cindy Joseph LogoFounder: Cindy Joseph/Ezra Firestone

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.boombycindyjoseph.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedEnhance Pro Age LogoFounder: Unspecified

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.enhanceproage.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedLook Fabuous Forever LogoFounder: Tricia Cusden

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.lookfabulousforever.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Haircare ApprovedMaison 276 LogoFounder: Angel Cornelius

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.maison276.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopausePause Well Aging LogoFounder: Rochelle Weitzner

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.pausewellaging.com

30 & Over

Better Not Younger LogoEBC Haircare ApprovedEBC Nailcare ApprovedFounder: Sonsoles Gonzalez 

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.better-notyounger.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopauseFinlay + Green LogoFounder: Helen Marray-Finlay

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.finlayandgreen.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopauseI am Stripes LogoFounder: Naomi Watts

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.iamstripes.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedLa Maria LogoFounder: Dr. Manuela Maria Vazquez

Demographic: 30+

Website: www.lamariamd.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Approved for MenopauseOur Kindra LogoFounder: Catherine Balsam-Schwaber

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.ourkindra.com

EBC Makeup ApprovedStudio 10 LogoFounder: Grace Fodor

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.studio10beauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedTelluride Glow LogoFounder: Alina Prax, Partner

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.tellurideglow.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedViolets Are Blue LogoFounder: Cynthia Besteman

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.violetsareblueskincare.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedWillowberry LogoFounder: Jenni Retourne

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.willowberry.co.uk

EBC Approved for MenopauseWomaness LogoFounder: Michelle Jacobs/Sally Mueller

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.womaness.com

All Ages

EBC Makeup Approved19/99 LogoFounder: Stephanie Spence, Camille Katona

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.1999beauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedAmperna LogoFounder: Kiri Yanchenko

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.amperna.com

EBC Makeup ApprovedAriane Poole LogoFounder: Ariane Poole

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.arianepoole.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedBend Beauty LogoEBC Haircare ApprovedEBC Nailcare ApprovedFounder: Marc St. Onge

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.bendbeauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedCommunity Sixty-Six LogoFounder: Dia Foley

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.communitysixtysix.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedDesavery Skincare LogoFounder: Andrea Dinnick

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.desavery.co

EBC Haircare ApprovedThe Doux LogoFounder: Maya Smith

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.thedoux.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedExa Beauty LogoFounder: Annie Jackson

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.exabeauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedFounder: Sara Lee/Christine Chang

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.glowrecipe.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedIris & RomeoFounder: Michelle Gough Baril

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.irisandromeo.com

EBC Makeup ApprovedJentry Kelley LogoFounder: Jentry Kelley

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.jentrykelley.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedKari Gran LogoFounder: Kari Gran and Lisa Strain

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.karigran.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedKjaer Weis LogoFounder: Kirsten Kjaer Weis

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.kjaerweis.com

Founder: Kim RoxieEBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedLamik Beauty Logo

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.lamikbeauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedLather LogoFounder: Emilie Davidson Hoyt

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.lather.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedOlive + M LogoFounder: Mariska Nicholson

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.oliveandm.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedOsmia Skincare LogoFounder: Sarah Villafranco, MD

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.osmiaskincare.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedStella McCartney Beauty LogoFounder: Stella McCartney

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.stellamccartneybeauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedTestament Beauty LogoFounder: Sophia Chabbott

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.testamentbeauty.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedTrish McEvoy LogoFounder: Trish McEvoy

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.trishmcevoy.com

EBC Skincare ApprovedEBC Makeup ApprovedVeribella LogoFounder: Trina Fiala

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.veribellainc.com

50 & Over

Boom by Cindy Joseph Logo

Founder: Cindy Joseph/Ezra Firestone

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.boombycindyjoseph.com

EBC Makeup Approved

Enhance Pro Age Logo

Founder: Unspecified

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.enhanceproage.com

EBC Makeup ApprovedEBC Skincare Approved

Look Fabuous Forever Logo

Founder: Tricia Cusden

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.lookfabulousforever.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Maison 276 Logo

Founder: Angel Cornelius

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.maison276.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Haircare Approved

Pause Well Aging Logo

Founder: Rochelle Weitzner

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.pausewellaging.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Approved for Menopause

30 & Over

Better Not Younger Logo

Founder: Sonsoles Gonzalez 

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.better-notyounger.com

EBC Haircare Approved

EBC Nailcare Approved

Finlay + Green Logo

Founder: Helen Marray-Finlay

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.finlayandgreen.com

EBC Approved for Menopause

EBC Skincare Approved

I am Stripes Logo

Founder: Naomi Watts

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.iamstripes.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Approved for Menopause

La Maria Logo

Founder: Dr. Manuela Maria Vazquez

Demographic: 30+

Website: www.lamariamd.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Our Kindra Logo

Founder: Catherine Balsam-Schwaber

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.ourkindra.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Approved for Menopause

Studio 10 Logo

Founder: Grace Fodor

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.studio10beauty.com

EBC Makeup Approved

Telluride Glow Logo

Founder: Alina Prax, Partner

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.tellurideglow.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Violets Are Blue Logo

Founder: Cynthia Besteman

Demographic: 40+

Website: www.violetsareblueskincare.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Willowberry Logo

Founder: Jenni Retourne

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.willowberry.co.uk

EBC Skincare Approved

Womaness Logo

Founder: Michelle Jacobs/Sally Mueller

Demographic: 45+

Website: www.womaness.com

EBC Approved for Menopause

All Ages

19/99 Logo

Founder: Stephanie Spence, Camille Katona

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.1999beauty.com

EBC Makeup Approved

Amperna Logo

Founder: Kiri Yanchenko

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.amperna.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Ariane Poole Logo

Founder: Ariane Poole

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.arianepoole.com

EBC Makeup Approved

Bend Beauty Logo

Founder: Marc St. Onge

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.bendbeauty.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Haircare Approved

EBC Nailcare Approved

Community Sixty-Six Logo

Founder: Dia Foley

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.communitysixtysix.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Desavery Skincare Logo

Founder: Andrea Dinnick

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.desavery.co

EBC Skincare Approved

The Doux Logo

Founder: Maya Smith

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.thedoux.com

EBC Haircare Approved

Exa Beauty Logo

Founder: Annie Jackson

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.exabeauty.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Founder: Sara Lee/Christine Chang

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.glowrecipe.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Iris & Romeo

Founder: Michelle Gough Baril

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.irisandromeo.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Jentry Kelley Logo

Founder: Jentry Kelley

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.jentrykelley.com

EBC Makeup Approved

Kari Gran Logo

Founder: Kari Gran and Lisa Strain

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.karigran.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Kjaer Weis Logo

Founder: Kirsten Kjaer Weis

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.kjaerweis.com

EBC Skincare Approved

EBC Makeup Approved

Lamik Beauty Logo

Founder: Kim Roxie

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.lamikbeauty.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Lather Logo

Founder: Emilie Davidson Hoyt

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.lather.com

Lather Logo

Olive + M Logo

Founder: Mariska Nicholson

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.oliveandm.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Osmia Skincare Logo

Founder: Sarah Villafranco, MD

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.osmiaskincare.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Stella McCartney Beauty Logo

Founder: Stella McCartney

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.stellamccartneybeauty.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Testament Beauty Logo

Founder: Sophia Chabbott

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.testamentbeauty.com

EBC Skincare Approved

Trish McEvoy Logo

Founder: Trish McEvoy

Demographic: 50+

Website: www.trishmcevoy.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved

Veribella Logo

Founder: Trina Fiala

Demographic: All Ages

Website: www.veribellainc.com

EBC Makeup Approved

EBC Skincare Approved